Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wow :)

I ate the most today that I've eaten this week. A total of 1576 calories. I hope that it doesn't make me gain a lot of weight since I ate more today. I certainly feel huge right now. Being pregnant magnifies my stomach when I've eaten. So, it feels like I'm really big. I guess I am, cause I am pregnant. I still don't quite look pregnant yet though. So, that kind of bother's me. I hate this phase where you just look like you have all this fat around your stomach, but you're actually pregnant, but no one can tell. I'm looking forward to when people can actually tell that I'm pregnant. I also hope that I don't gain too much weight at all! I'm nervous that all my healthy eating this week isn't even working, especially since I ate more today than I have all week. It was all mostly healthy food though. I guess I should just keep exercising and try hard not to obsess over if I ate too much or not. Since I am eating healthy, then it should be OK, right???? I suppose that's the end of my post, but not the end of my worry.

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